Approximately half of the worlds 7 billion people express some degree of belief in the Christian faith so whether you are earnestly seeking truth or are simply curious we believe that you owe it to yourself to fully explore the christian faith before making up your mind what you believe. In the UK our society is still based largely on Judeo Christian values and institutions and thus an understanding of the Christian faith is vital to understanding our culture.

We would of course be delighted to help you in anyway we can to undertake this journey of exploration.  Just pop into or contact one of our member churches and ask.  Several of our churches also hold regular Alpha Courses where you can discuss Life’s big questions over a meal.  You can find information about the Alpha Course at This site will also allow you to find out where and when the course is running near you.

If you would prefer to look at some  simpler video based web content first, then this would be a good place to start.  Another resource that might be worth a look is ALIVE –  which you can do in a group for free or on your own for only £5

If on the other hand you want to explore various topics in depth then why not give a try

If you think that faith is only for the oldies have a look at Vox and join in a journey of exploration tailored to the young, or young at heart

Finally, although all Christians agree on the basics of the faith, if you would prefer to explore belief from a more Catholic tradition a good place to start might be

There are a lot of other resources available on the web, but these should at least get you started